Board, Officers & Personnel
The RCD Board of Directors is comprised of five landowners within the district. To be on the board, your primary residence must be registered as within the taxing district and you must be a registered voter. The board member terms last for five years and become due to expire in a staggered pattern so that each year only one board member's position will expire. At that time, the existing board member, as well as any other interested parties, must apply at the County Clerk's office at the Ogle County Courthouse and be interviewed for the new term.
Applications for normal end of terms should be in by the end of March as the position officially starts on May 1st. This same process will apply for a position that is open midterm. Openings are announced in the local newspapers, the bulletin boards at the front entrances to Lost Lake, on our Facebook page, and here on our website.
Click here to view/download a "Board of Directors Application For Appointment" form
Board meetings are open to the public and occur on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Lake Court Center.
Norm Eakley (President)
• Facilitates meetings and manages organization
• Oversees employees
• Attends to all legal matters and interpretations
• FOIA Officer
• Oversees RCD asset management, including building, grounds, beaches, and parks
• Involved in the preparation of the Annual Budget
• Works with Wildlife Manager to ensure proper application of wildlife control techniques
• Responsible for Fish Stocking and Management Program
• Oversees RCD Lake Security Program, including boating and dock regulatory enforcement
• Liaison with Lost Lake POA and Lost Lake Utility District
• Signs checks on behalf of the RCD
Hal Warren (Vice President)
• Runs meetings and manages organization during absence of President
• Adviser on all social issues
• Manages the dam, including maintenance, lowering and raising lake levels, etc.
• Responsible for campground issues and upkeep including road access
• Manages Flagg Rd Silt Basin
• Reviews and approves all dock construction/shoreline improvements
• Oversees Private Dock Compliance
Jeff VanQuathem (Treasurer / Secretary)
• Signs financial documents such as the Budget & Appropriation and Tax Levy
• Oversees all financial operations of the RCD
• Signs checks on behalf of the RCD
• Assists with wildlife management and oversees lake plantings.
Tyler VanKirk (Member at Large)
• Oversees Hunting Program
Bill Winebaugh (Member at Large)
Beth Caudill (Employee - Office Manager)
• Manages all administrative needs of the RCD, including all required postings, meeting minutes, etc.
• Manages use of Community Center (including day to day maintenance) campground and properties; issues dock and boat IDs
• Maintains and updates website
• Advisor to the President and Board on legal administrative issues
• FOIA Officer
• Helps Prepare for and Attends CCWP meetings
• Performs Financial Duties, including creating budget and levy, annual and monthly reports, employee tax filing
• Prepares Financial Reports and Grants
Rebecca Olson (Olson Ecological Solutions) (Contractor - Grant Manager)
• Researches, Manages and Applies for Grants on behalf of the RCD
• Wetland and Shoreline Plant Advisor
• Helps Supervise CCWP Meetings
Joe Rush (JadEco) (Contractor - Aquatic Manager)
• Advises Board on Management of the Lake and Grant Funded Projects
• Inspects Shoreline Improvements
• Advises at CCWP Meetings
• Manages Dredging Plan & Advises Board on Dredging
Shawn Parish (Employee - Grounds Maintenance)
• Caretaker and Maintenance of LCC
• Mows LCC and other RCD properties
• General Maintenance and Repair of Properties Owned by the RCD
• Takes Beach Water Samples & Cleans Beaches