About The Lost Lake RCD
Click here to view/download the RCD's Ordinance Code With Amendments
Click here to view/download the RCD's Name Change Resolution
The Lost Lake RCD (officially, the "Lost Nation/New Landing River Conservancy District of Illinois") is a county (Ogle County) agency and taxing body, governed under the Illinois Compiled Statutes Special Districts, River Conservancy Districts Act, 70 ILCS2105/1. We are funded by tax dollars from within our district. The maximum rate which can be extended by the District in any fiscal year for its general corporate purposes is $.75 per $100 of the value assessed.
The Lost Nation/New Landing River Conservancy District of Illinois (RCD) was formed by election on December 16, 1978. Out of 96 votes, 83 voters approved the formation of a Conservancy District. The RCD's taxing district encompasses the property that lies north of Flagg Road from Lost Nation Road on the westerly side to Lowden Road on the easterly side. The northerly side is that of which is the north property line of the golf course extending easterly along the northern edge of the Lost Nation POA property area out to Lowden Road.
The RCD was formed under the Special Districts River Conservancy District Validation Act (70 ILCS 2110/). This is "an act authorizing the formation of River Conservancy Districts and giving such districts power to effectuate river and flood control, drainage, irrigation, conservation, sanitation, navigation, recreation, development of water supplies and the protection of fish life."
RCD District Boundary Map
Click the above image to enlarge it.
To view/download the RCD District Boundary Map as a .pdf, click here.